The Gourmet Popcorn Factory

Saturday, July 23, 2011



Bread flour 340gm 
Chilled Butter 285gm 
Dry Yeast 15gm 
Milk 240ml 
Sugar 20gm 
Honey 15ml 
Salt 10gm 

-Dissolve the yeast in the cold mlk,add sugar ,honey and salt.mix well.
-add in all the flour,using a hook start to make a dough is slightly firm but not rubbery,do not over mix.
-chill or freeze the dough until firm or same consistency as the butter.
-Roll the dough  into a rectangular or using English method to enclose the butter.
-Give the dough 3 single turns.
-rest the dough for 20 minutes for every turn.
-bake product 210"C until golden colour....

Butter cookies

Butter 120gm 
Sugar 65gm 
Eggs 55gm 
Salt pinch 
Vanilla Few drop 
Flour 120gm 
Ground almond 50gm 

-Beat together butter,salt and sugar until butter is softened
-slowly add in eggs a little at a time.Scrape the sides of the bowl from time to time
-Add in vanilla 
-lastly add in all the flour and ground almond.
-mix until well combine but do not over mix
-fill batter in pastry bag fitted with a star or other  nozzle
-Pipe cookie into desired shapes onto a baking tray lined with baking parchment.
-Bake until golden brown.

Blueberry cheese Tart

Pate sucree
Butter 125gm 
Sugar 45gm 
Salt 1gm 
Egg 35gm 
Flours 190gm

- using the paddle attachment,mix the butter
-add the eggs and mix just until absorbed
-sift the flour and add it to the mixture,mix just until evenly blended
-wrap and chill several hours before using

Cream cheese 25gm 
Gula 75gm 
Butter 14gm 
Egg yolk 3gm 
Golden Cream 150gm 
Custard powder 13gm 
Rose flour 10gm 

 -cream the cheese sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl until fluffy.
-Occasionally scrape the side of the bowl to ensure that mixture in smooth.
-add in eggs a little at a time. mix well
- add butter,golden cream  and flour

cheese cake


Hazelnut Crust(Base)

Roasted Hazelnut 90gm 
Cake Flour 75gm 
Sugar 75gm 
Butter,softened 110gm 
Egg 25gm 

-Combine everything in a mixing bowl.Mix well 
-spread evenly on the base of baking tin 
Bake until golden brown.set aside and let it cool

Mascopon cheese 25gm 
Gula 75gm 
Butter 14gm 
Egg yolk 3gm 
Golden Cream 150gm 
Custard powder 13gm 
Rose flour 10gm 
Lemon skin
orange skin
 -cream the cheese sugar lemon or orange skin in a mixing bowl until fluffy.
-Occasionally scrape the side of the bowl to ensure that mixture in smooth.
-add in eggs a little at a time. mix well
- add butter,golden cream  and flour
-pour batter into cake tin
-Fill the larger pan with and bake at 160"C.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dark Chocolate Espresso Truffles

Whipping  cream 100gm 
Dark chocolate  280gm 
Vanilla essence few drop 
Butter,melted  90gm 
coffee essence as needed 


-bring the cream to a boil.Stir in the dark chocolate and melt it completely.Let it cool to about 36"C.
-stir in the vanilla ,butter and coffee essence 
-allow to set or thicken and then pipe out in the size of cherries on the baking paper.Refrigerate for a few minutes to set .

-roll it into a round ball with some icing sugar to keep them from sticking.chill in the chiller again then coat by rolling a thin coating of tempered chocolate with hands.allow to set.

-when the temperature of the ball reaches room temperature,dip them into tempered chocolate using a chocolate fork and produce spikes.

Sandwich Bread


Bread 500gm 
Yeast 10gm 
salt 10gm 
Sugar 30gm 
Water 320gm 
Shortening 30gm 
Bread Improver 7gm 


-Mix the Flours and Yeast for 30 second on 1 speed
-add salt,sugar bread improver improver and cold water and mix on 1st speed for 1 minute.then change to 2nd speed and mix for 2 minutes and shortening.
-mix for another 8 minutes until dough is elastic.
-ferment for 1 hour until dough doubles in size
-scale 4 pieces at 450gm each
-round up and rest the dough for 15 minutes.On bench covered with a plastic to prevent skinning.
-mould into swiss roll shape and place into big tins with seam down.
-allow dough to proof at 37'C for 45 minutes or 1 hour until the dough rises to 1 cm from the top of the pan,and then cover it.
-bake at 240'C for 30 minutes 



Butter 12gm 
Vanilla drops
Icing sugar 75gm 
Cake flour 340gm 
Baking powder 17gm 
Milk 150ml 


-cream butter and icng sugar until light and fluffy.
-add vanilla and mx well.
-add in flour and mix well.
-lastly add in the milk,do not over mix 
-rest for 10 minutes before bake.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ground almond (fine) 100gm 
Icing sugar 100gm 
Egg white 35gm 
Water 35ml 
Sugar 100gm 
Egg white 37gm 


-Blend almond and icing sugar until very fine ,add 35gm of egg white 

-Boil water and sugar to 115"C to prepare the Italian meringue.

-Fold meringue into almond mixture.
-pipe it on silpat and rest for minutes.
-Bake at 200"C for 3 minutes follow by 160"C for  about 10minutes

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Grouund Almond 100gm 
Corn Flour 50gm 
Egg White 5 nos 
Sugar 200gm 

-combine the ground almond and corn flour together 
-whip the egg white to  a foam and gradually add the sugar,whip until stiff
-Gently  fold the dry mixture into the meringue by hand 
-Pipe or spread into desired shapes immediately
-Bake in a preheated oven at 130"C until dry.

chocolate sacher torte

Butter                            125gm 
Sugar                             125gm 
Chocolate melted           150gm 
Egg yolk                        125gm 
vanilla                          few drop 
Salt                          1gm 
cake flour                     125gm 

Egg white           190gm 
Sugar              90gm

-preheat oven to 165"C
-cream the butter and sugar.Add chocolate,Egg yolk and vanilla 
-Whip the egg white with the salt,add the sugar and whip to soft peak 
-bake it in the oven ,cool 
-sandwich the layer together with a layer of apricot jam 
-mask the top and sides of the cake with ganache,chilled
-Place the cake on a wire rack on the tray.Ice the cake by pouring warm chocolate ganache over it. Run a palette knife over the top and tap the tray to make the icing smooth..until set and decoration.

To cover cake Chocolate Mirror

The Tok Lebar Resepi Video

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Perjalanan seorang pemuda mencari ilmu pengetahuan untuk menjadi chef "

Allhamdulillah!!!!.......  berkat doa ibubapa...tercapai juga cita sy menjadi seorang chef yang berjaya dan ingin mengembangkan karier dan product TOK LEBAR RESEPI  insyaallh ....niat 2 pentig tok simpan hingga ke besar...pada mula nye sy sukar utk membuat keputusan same ad sy ni menjadi org yg berwawasan atau pun di sebalik nye.....dengan ape yang selama ni  pelajari selama ni tidak menjadi sia-sia malahan ianya menjadikan 1 benda dan memboleh kan seseorang itu menjadi lebig berdisiplin..dan bertanggungjawab....

          Selepas menduduki SPM sy membuat kerja sambilan di KFC genting kelang dan menjadi ejen mengambil lesen SKEM batu 11...itu la pertama kali bekerja tetapi seronok...dari situ la sy belajar simpan duit dan  bagaimana seorang ayah dan emak bersusah payah mencari duit terhadap anak2 nye agar dapat melengkapkkan segala keperluan anak2.......setelah 1 tahun bekerja sy mengambil keputusan untuk menyambung kembali pelajaran dalam bidang SENI KULINARI..kolej kini mempaga bentong...di sana sy berpendapat bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang chef yang berjaya dan berkaliber, kite seharusnya bekerja keras dan pandai mengatur perjalanan hidup pada masa akan datang nt..terima kepada semua pensyarah yang tidak pernah putus asa mengajar sy iaitu Puan nor,.puan yasmin,,puan mas en.j dan  en.z....beliau merupakan penyarah yang bagus untuk menjana dan membimbing  anak2 muda kite  menjadi seorang berguna...terima kasih byk2..mingkin ade salah dan silap sy sewaktu belajar di sana...walaupun sy seorang yang ceria dan ske senyum dan berlawak...tetapi ilmu yg penyarah bg kepda sy amat berguna untuk menjdi seorang chef ...hanya tuhan sahaja yg  dapat membalas jasa baik pensyarah dan besar pahalanye insyalllah .........selepas tamat pengajian di kolej kini mempaga,sy memohon bekerja di MALAYSIAN PETROLEUM CLUB (KLCC)  kitchen helper.Di samping itu,sy bekerja sambilan di DI VILLA DI SAJI sebagai buther department dan sy dapat mengenali kawan2 baru Chef bad,Chef cop,Chef Zul dan Chef shihabudin   ....Awal tahun 2011,sy melanjutkanpelajaran kembali di ECOLE DE PASTISSIRIE di damansara perdana bertekad untuk menjadi seorang chef professional di malaysia mahupun di luar negara dan ingin menjadi seorang pensyarah, dan membuka perniagaan sendiri pada masa hadapan insyaallah..........setakat ini sahaja yg dapat sy kongsikan bersama dan bg yg ingin mengetahui resepi membuat kek dan dan sebagai nye boleh la anda email ker membri cadangan2 bernas yang dapat meningkatkan mutu product berkualiti di negara ini dan di eksport ke luar negara  INSYAALLAH......................                                             


Unsweetened chocolate 115gm 
Butter 150gm 
Egg 90gm 
Sugar 130gm 
Salt 1gm 
Vanilla few drop 
Bread flour 60gm 
Walnut 60gm 

-Preheat oven to 180"C 
-melt chocolate and butter in a boiler,cool
-mix the egg,sugar and vanilla together until well blended
-stir in the chocolate mixture 
-sift the flour and fold in 
-fold in the nuts
-Bake in the oven around 45 minutes until 80% baked


Cream caramel

For caramel 
Sugar 190gm 
Water 30gm

-cook the sugar and water until it caramelises.
-pour the hot caramel into ramekin.
-fill with custard and bake.

Egg 80gm
Sugar 40gm 
Salt a pinch 
Vanilla few drop 
Milk 200gm 

-combine the eggs,sugar vanilla and salt in a mixing bowl.Mix throughly but do not whip 
-bring the milk to a boil and gradually pour the milk into yhe egg mixture,stirring constantly
-pour the custard into prepared ramekins 
-place ramekins into shallow baking tray and set the tray on the oven shelf 
-pour enough hot water into the pan so the water levelis about the half the height of the ramekin
-bake at 160"C until set,about 45 minutes